Over the last two and a half decades, four different community development and revitalization plans have been created for Amani. These plans were created with resident input through community sessions, monthly neighborhood meetings, door-to-door canvassing and other neighborhood activities.
While the goals and direction of our work have remained the same throughout the evolution of these plans, the neighborhood has continued to develop its efforts with increased resources, as well as increased involvement from residents and partner organizations. The current Amani Neighborhood Revitalization Plan builds upon residents’ hopes to create a path to reunite Amani residents and reestablish Amani as a welcoming neighborhood with opportunities for all. Our ApproachPeople's lives are powerfully shaped by the neighborhoods in which they live. The Dominican Center believes Amani residents are closest to the solutions needed to revitalize the neighborhood. But they can't do it alone. We are all interconnected and impacted by the challengers faced in the Amani neighborhood. Our work supports resident-led efforts to create positive social change.
Our efforts are focused on building neighborhood capacity through education and programs related to neighborhood safety; housing & economic development; and education and family well-being, as well as our overarching goal to foster social change. The goal of building neighborhood capacity is to help develop the knowledge, skills, relationships and organizational resources that enable residents and partners (civic leaders, the public and private sectors and local organizations) to work together in neighborhood revitalization efforts. The many activities at the Dominican Center are intimately linked together. They lead to, from and with each other. Without an education, finding a job is problematic. Without a job, homeownership isn’t feasible. Without ongoing financial growth, neighborhood development isn’t possible. The weaving together of all of these elements is what makes our mission successful. |
Neighborhood Safety Housing & Economic Development Education & Family Well-Being Fostering Social Change Hydroponics Block by Block Initiative |
Dominican Center for Women, Inc.
2470 W. Locust St., Milwaukee, WI 53206